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[软件] 微软:你好用户,我是你爹

发表于 2024-2-5 16:44 | 显示全部楼层
posthoc 发表于 2024-2-5 16:02
虽然微软连依赖版本都不检查十分草台,不过用lts的还要在非官方源软件上面追最新版本本身就是问题操作吧。 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-2-5 17:16 | 显示全部楼层
pm 没搞清楚他们现在的位置,vscode 现在是使用量大的基础软件,而且使用者里的绝大多数并不是直接面向个人终端用户的开发者。升级问题最简单的当然就是个人终端用户,升级就升级。但是升级问题在整个使用链路是会被逐步放大的,有太多原因没法升级了,机器是公司it维护的,是大学it维护的,开发者开发的是另一个基础软件然后那个基础软件有自己的Linux支持要求所以开发环境会同样被锚定的看另一个issue 里有多少 centos7/rhel7 的就能知道 vscode 要面临的实际问题有多复杂了。然后它最开始居然连检查 warning 都没报就直接炸掉打不开了

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-2-5 18:46 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 御坂MKII 于 2024-2-5 18:59 编辑
win8 发表于 2024-2-5 17:58

它现在只检测了系统的 glibc(全局的 LD_LIBRARY_PATH),多版本维护的话大部分人不会动系统的。
centos7 rhel7 之类的,敢动系统 glibc 大概率就是整个服务器陪葬(

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-2-5 22:51 | 显示全部楼层
noahhhh 发表于 2024-2-5 21:30
Linux minimum requirements update
In this mil ...
因为 vscode remote 极大的在各种团队里使用,压力已经是在按照团队的级别而不是个人在逐层转移了,另一个 issue 里已经是 cloud service manager/团队 manager了。

按目前过于粗暴的动态库检查办法,有太多内部维护的大型集群环境连靠 admin 或者个人本身简单的搞个 non default glibc patch 的方式来让 vscode remote 正常工作都做不到

It will make all Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) EC2 machines unable to use VS Code, while also affecting enterprise users who may use customized or parallel versions of the glibc library for their own development needs.

A number of leaders at Amazon are tracking this issue, we are very concerned about the impact to those customers and hopeful we can work with you on a workaround like Will suggested.

My org (not amazon) is on a RHEL7 compatible OS for the time being. It's EOL'd later this year, but not for several months if i understand correctly. I'm sure there are many people out there in a similar situation.

Thank you so much for your work; I lead a team of cancer researchers and part of a consortium of ~100 people with many proudly using now VSCode for data analysis and software development. Our academic systems (HPC of research centers hosting thousands of people) do not satisfy the new minimum requirements and this new update has become absolutely disruptive for us.

Chipping in as a software engineer at an MNC developing enterprise-grade software, this issue seems to affect a significant number of developers here as well.


使用道具 举报

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