楼主: 白开水.com


发表于 2002-5-22 10:49 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

环境映射 该用户已被删除
发表于 2002-5-22 11:30 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-22 11:46 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 环境映射 发布
[B]当初玩辐射2的时候,跑到一个军事基地大门口(具体在哪儿记不清了),和门口那个穿能量装甲的门卫捣了半天浆糊,就是不让我进去。后来那哥们急了要翻脸,我赶紧开溜。绕到荒郊野外,居然给我找到一个后门,可是打不开。突然想起我在外闯荡这么多时候,找到过不少各种颜色的卡片,一直不知道怎么用,别不是开门的ID卡吧。跑回我那老爷车,把所有卡片全带上,到那儿一张一张试,竟给我把门套开了。一看里头的人穿的是那种绿色的胸甲,我也翻出自己的穿上。进去继续和人胡扯,一人突然说你的能量装甲呢?我说我没有啊。他说那你赶紧去拿一件吧,在哪个柜子里有。于是跑去拿了一件,居然还在旁边的柜子里发现了再生水装置。穿上装甲,揣上装置溜出基地,不由得大笑三声,怎一个爽字了得。 [/B]


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-22 11:47 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 focus 发布
[B]没有争吵起来?那就争吵起来吧。日式rpg什么地方模式化了? [/B]


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-22 14:01 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-22 17:05 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 偶不是DDM的马甲7号 发布

所以风格如此不同的情况下,最好不要随便就笼统的说那个国家的rpg好(虽然我本人是支持美国的rpg,除了无聊的《暗黑》根本不算rpg外),此为评论之道也。。。。 [/B]

比如正统的是龙和骑士是永远对立的敌人,而日本RPG居然出现了‘龙骑士’这种畸形东东-------我ft!!(sorry! 骂人了,对不起,骂回来也不打紧的)  

那dragon lance 里的索拉里斯骑士,塔克西丝骑士骑的是什么? 总不能说是大蜥蜴吧。里面还有龙骑士呢!
龙骑将奇蒂拉知道吗?  “蓝天”知道吗? 你总不能说基于advanced lv 的龙与地下城系统的龙枪不正统吧?....    日本人喜欢瞎编是没错, 但你书看少了,连龙枪都没看,‘遗忘的国度’也一定没看吧? 有很大部分游戏的基本框架就是基于这两个系列的。举例:博德之门,冰封谷都是构筑在遗忘的国度的世界上的, 两套系统的世界观,种族构成,魔法构成,神诋有很大的差别。 两者也都不能说是正统的骑士rpg了,想一想中学历史老师是怎么说《堂. 吉诃德》的吧: 所谓正统的骑士小说,从那时起就开始渐渐销声灭迹了   不懂的例子就不要乱举,ok?

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2002-5-22 18:25 | 显示全部楼层








使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-22 18:43 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 focus 发布
[B]为什么女装这么盛行...... [/B]


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-22 19:02 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 穿女装 发布


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-22 19:04 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 太白汤 发布
再说说我的看法,我觉得就“角色扮演”这名字而言,还是日式较合适些。我的理解中“扮演自己”应该不算是“扮演”,叫做“模拟”来得恰当些 [/B]


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-22 19:52 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-22 19:56 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 666 发布

王子大人的尊荣来着,偶像啊~ [/B]


什么时候level e也做一个游戏,如果能表现出原作的精髓,那肯定是最棒的了!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-22 20:02 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 winterfall 发布


什么时候level e也做一个游戏,如果能表现出原作的精髓,那肯定是最棒的了! [/B]


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-22 22:49 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-22 22:54 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 666 发布
[B]要其他人来表现富俚木蓄恐怕比较难。幽游和猎人的tv版都糟蹋了原作的故事 [/B]


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-22 23:09 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 00:20 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 安倍久 发布

比如正统的是龙和骑士是永远对立的敌人,而日本RPG居然出现了‘龙骑士’这种畸形东东-------我ft!!(sorry! 骂人了,对不起,骂回来也不打紧的)  

那dragon lance 里的索拉里斯骑士,塔克西丝骑士骑的是什么? 总不能说是大蜥蜴吧。里面还有龙骑士呢!
龙骑将奇蒂拉知道吗?  “蓝天”知道吗? 你总不能说基于advanced lv 的龙与地下城系统的龙枪不正统吧?....    日本人喜欢瞎编是没错, 但你书看少了,连龙枪都没看,‘遗忘的国度’也一定没看吧? 有很大部分游戏的基本框架就是基于这两个系列的。举例:博德之门,冰封谷都是构筑在遗忘的国度的世界上的, 两套系统的世界观,种族构成,魔法构成,神诋有很大的差别。 两者也都不能说是正统的骑士rpg了,想一想中学历史老师是怎么说《堂. 吉诃德》的吧: 所谓正统的骑士小说,从那时起就开始渐渐销声灭迹了   不懂的例子就不要乱举,ok? [/B]





Acolyte of the Skin - Tome and Blood, pp. 43-45
Wears the skin of a fiend, gaining its powers and eventually becoming one himself

Alienist - Tome and Blood, pp. 45-47
A spellcaster who communes with entities from beyond space and time, gaining insight through insanity

Ancestral Avenger - Dragon Magazine #279, pp. 84-85
Driven by their hatred of the drow, avengers have perfected the art of slaying their mortal enemies

Arachnemancer - Dungeon Magazine #84, pp. 54-55
An evil spellcaster whose kinship with spiders manifests itself through his spells and abilities

Arcane Archer - Dungeon Master\'s Guide, p. 28
A skilled archer who weaves spells and enchantments into her arrows

Arcane Devotee - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pp. 40-41
An arcane spellcaster whose devotion to her deity grants her sacred protection and enhanced spells

Arcane Trickster - Tome and Blood, pp. 47-49
A spellcasting rogue who can spring traps from a distance and sneak attack at will

* Arcanopath Monk - Dragon Magazine #281, pp. 36-37
Sworn foes of all spellcasters, the arcanopath monks know many techniques for fighting them

Archmage - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pp. 41-42
True masters of magery, archmages use high arcana to unlock advanced secrets of spellcraft

Assassin - Dungeon Master\'s Guide, p. 29
An evil killer for hire who uses stealth and surprise to strike killing blows

Balan\'s Jackal - Legions of Hell, pp. 50-52
Savage, bestial and monstrous, the jackals are part of Balan\'s infernal legion

Bargainer - Evil, pp. 70-71
The bargainer trafficks with demons, gaining infernal abilities and corrupting others in the process

* Beholder Mage - Monsters of Faerun, pp. 21-22
A beholder that has put out its central eye can gain levels as a spellcaster, and becomes a beholder mage

Binder - Demonology, pp. 10-11
The binder summons demons and binds them into objects, creating powerful demonic weapons, armor, etc.

Blackguard - Dungeon Master\'s Guide, pp. 30-32
The blackguard is an evil anti-paladin, able to command undead and summon fiends to do his bidding

Bladesinger - Tome and Blood, pp. 49-50
Elven masters of sword and spell, bladesingers employ both with deadly grace

Blessed of Gruumsh - Dragon Magazine #282, pp. 84-85
An orc or half-orc whose fierce dedication to Gruumsh has granted him the deity\'s favor

Blood Archer - Evil, pp. 68-70
An evil ranger who wields a living bow, the blood archer\'s infernal abilities make him a deadly fighter

Blood Magus - Tome and Blood, pp. 50-52
Haven been brought back from the dead, the magus learns to use blood in her magic in unique ways

Blood Witch - Relics and Rituals, pp. 8-9
A spellcaster who uses her own blood to fuel her spells and employ metamagic feats more easily

Candle Caster - Tome and Blood, pp. 52-55
A spellcaster who can use candles to store, cast and enhance his spells

Cavalier - Sword and Fist, pp. 12-13
A knight in shining armor whose prowess in mounted combat is unmatched

Centurion Knight - Wonders Out of Time, pp. 44-45
An elite warrior who exhibits exceptional grace in combat

Church Inquisitor - Defenders of the Faith, pp. 51-52
An inquisitor uses his divine powers to root out evil and corruption within his own church

Consecrated Harrier - Defenders of the Faith, pp. 52-54
A religious bounty hunter who tracks down enemies of his church, the harrier is relentless in his dedication

Contemplative - Defenders of the Faith, pp. 54-56
A mystic who seeks to achieve a closer connection to his deity through contemplation

Crusader - Dungeons, pp. 87-89
A fearless warrior sworn to oppose a particular evil underground race, often driven by a need for vengeance

Crypt Lord - Relics and Rituals, pp. 10-11
Embracing undeath, a crypt lord extends his necromantic abilities, eventually becoming a lich himself

Death\'s Forsaken - Touched by the Gods, pp. 16-17
The forsaken are those who have been returned from death with new insight and otherworldly abilities

Deepwood Avenger - Polyhedron #147
A druidic warrior who fights to preserve nature

Demolitionist - Dungeons, pp. 89-90
A specialist in the creation and use of explosives and firearms, a dangerous and unusual trade

Demon Summoner - Evil, pp. 29-31
Attended by his apprentices and servitors, the summoner calls up demons with his powerful magic

Demonologist - Demonology, pp. 8-9
An expert in demon lore and summoning, the demonologist can fuel his spells with infernal power

Devoted Defender - Sword and Fist, pp. 13-14
The ultimate bodyguard, a devoted defender is skilled at protecting others from harm

Dharkaguard - Living Greyhawk Journal #2
An expert in the dharka harpoon, the dharkaguard is an accomplished sailor and tracker

Discreet Companion - Traps & Treachery, pp. 20-23
A courtesan who specializes in acquiring and selling secrets and sensitive information

Distractor - Akrasia: Thief of Time, pp. 28-29
Dedicated to making people waste time, distractors can steal time and even life from those under their spell

Divine Agent - Manual of the Planes, pp. 24-26
Accountable only to her deity, the divine agent ultimately becomes a planar being herself

Divine Champion - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pp. 42-43
A sacred warrior whose martial prowess is enhanced by his faith, granting bonuses in combat

Divine Disciple - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pp. 43-44
Through his close connection to his deity, the disciple eventually becomes a divine creature himself

Divine Oracle - Defenders of the Faith, pp. 56-57
An oracle hears his deity\'s voice directly, and his mad visions grant him prescience and divine knowledge

Divine Seeker - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pp. 44-45
Employing stealth and avoiding open displays of power, divine seekers are the secret agents of their church

Doomdreamer - Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, pp. 162-163
The leaders of the cult of Tharizdun, whose madness and secret lore lend them great power

Dragon Disciple - Tome and Blood, pp. 55-57
Awakening her draconic blood with magic, the dragon disciple ultimately becomes a half-dragon

Dragonkith - Dragon Magazine #284, pp. 68-69
Those who are devoted to serving a particular dragon become dragonkith, and possess strange abilities

Drunken Master - Sword and Fist, pp. 14-16
Martial artists who fight while drunk, catching their opponents off guard with their powerful attacks

Duelist - Sword and Fist, pp. 17-18
An agile and skillful fighter, the duelist is the quintessential daring swashbuckler

Dwarven Defender - Dungeon Master\'s Guide, pp. 32-33
These dwarven champions are powerful defensive fighters, trained to stand their ground against all odds

Elder Druid - Dragon Magazine #286, pp. 40-42
Fiercely dedicated to preserving peace, elder druids can extend their lifespan through hibernation

Elder Son of the Green Lord - Campaign Magazine, pp. 16-17
Wilderness fighters and ambush specialists, the Elder Sons are spellcasting warriors sworn to defend the wild

Eldritch Master - Dragon Magazine #280, pp. 88-89
A strange spellcaster who can detect those that speak his name, often feared for his peculiar talents

Elemental Savant - Tome and Blood, pp. 57-58
Allied with a particular element, the savant is a master at using that element in his spells

Fatespinner - Tome and Blood, pp. 58-60
By subtly reducing the effectiveness of some of her spells, the fatespinner can enhance the effects of others

Fist of Hextor - Sword and Fist, pp. 18-20
Templars of their harsh god, fists of Hextor are brutal, powerful and frightening in battle

Flame Steward - Dragon Magazine #283, pp. 84-85
Having devoted themselves to the Sacred Flame, these spellcasters are masters of fire magic

Fleet Runner of Ehlonna - Dragon Magazine #283, pp. 44-46
Followers of Ehlonna, fleet runners are blessed with supernatural speed and endurance

Gatecrasher - Manual of the Planes, pp. 26-28
Blessed with peculiar insight and able to shift planes at will, the gatecrasher is a master of portals

Ghostwalker - Sword and Fist, pp. 20-21
A shadowed wanderer whose powerful sense of purpose imbues him with mysterious abilities

Gladiator - Sword and Fist, pp. 21-22
Whether slave or sellsword, the gladiator is the undisputed master of arena combat

Gnome Artificer - Magic of Faerun, pp. 23-26
Artificers use technology to create strange and wonderful devices whose powers duplicate arcane spells

Gnome Trickster - Dragon Magazine Annual #5, pp. 80-81
Diminutive masters of illusion, gnome tricksters are more formidable fighters than their size suggests

God Seeker - Touched by the Gods, p. 37
Wandering ascetics who seek out mortals who possess the hallmarks of being gods in the making

Guildmaster - Traps & Treachery, pp. 23-26
An accomplished rogue who has devoted herself to running a thieves\' guild

Guild Thief - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, p. 45
A member of an urban thieves\' guild who uses her connections to improve her talents and reputation

Guild Wizard of Waterdeep - Magic of Faerun, pp. 26-28
The powerful and secretive Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors offers many benefits to its members

Halfling Outrider - Sword and Fist, pp. 22-24
Elite scouts and skilled defensive fighters sworn to protect halfling communities

Harper Mage - Magic of Faerun, pp. 28-29
Whether behind the scenes or out in the field, the harper mage\'s lore and insight serve his cause well

Harper Priest - Magic of Faerun, pp. 29-31
Close ties to her deity and to the harpers grant the priest special blessings, lore and knowledge

Harper Scout - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pp. 46-47
Outriders and information-gatherers for the Harpers, scouts learn spells and special tactics in their service

Hathran - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pp. 47-48
The Witches of Rashemen have authority over their sisters, as well as close magical ties to the land

Herald - Dragon Magazine Annual #5, pp. 86-87
Royal spies and secret agents, heralds are masters of stealth and subterfuge

Hierophant - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pp. 48-49
The most advanced divine spellcasters become hierophants, achieving true mastery of their craft

Holy Liberator - Defenders of the Faith, pp. 57-60
Dedicated to overthrowing tyranny in all its forms, the holy liberator is a champion of the downtrodden

Hospitaler - Defenders of the Faith, pp. 60-62
Hospitaler knights live in poverty and swear to help those in need, fighting to defend their charges

Hunter of the Dead - Defenders of the Faith, pp. 62-63
An expert at destroying undead, the hunter seeks out her foes wherever they may be found

Incanatrix - Magic of Faerun, pp. 31-32
An incanatrix specializes in metamagic, and in using her powers against extraplanar entities

Incarnate - Relics and Rituals, pp. 12-14
The embodiment of neutrality, an incarnate draws power from the cycle of reincarnation

Justicar - Touched by the Gods, pp. 42-43
Hired killers who fight only those who have usurped justice under the guise of law

Knight of the Chalice - Defenders of the Faith, pp. 63-65
The Knights of the Chalice seek out and do battle with demons, the chosen foes of their order

Knight of the Middle Circle - Defenders of the Faith, pp. 65-66
Members of the secretive Stargazarers, knights of the Middle Circle are spellcasting warriors

Knight Protector of the Great Kingdom - Sword and Fist, pp. 24-25
Unswerving adherents to the chivalric code, Knight Protectors fight to uphold the values of their lost kingdom

Lasher - Sword and Fist, pp. 25-26
The lasher\'s singular mastery of the whip allows him to perform extraordinary feats with his chosen weapon

Lightbearer - Dragon Magazine #285, pp. 70-71
A pure-hearted hero of the small folk whose holiness comes not from faith but from inner purity of being

Loremaster - Dungeon Master\'s Guide, pp. 34-35
A loremaster\'s studies reveal many secrets, which she can use to improve her abilities and skills

Mage of the Arcane Order - Tome and Blood, pp. 60-63
Belonging to the Arcane Order guild, these mages gain access to the group\'s knowledge and pool of spells

Mage-Killer - Magic of Faerun, pp. 32-34
Specializing in using magic against spellcasters, the mage-killer is a peculiar breed of bounty hunter

Master Alchemist - Magic of Faerun, pp. 34-35
A master alchemist can brew several potions a day, and make them more potent than normal

Master of Chains - Sword and Fist, pp. 27-28
The master of chains is preternaturally skilled in the use of her chosen weapon, the spiked chain

Master Samurai - Sword and Fist, pp. 29-30
A dedicated warrior who values honor over his own life, the master samurai is a warrior of exceptional skill

Master of Shrouds - Defenders of the Faith, pp. 66-68
A master of shrouds specializes in summoning incorporeal undead and binding them to his will

Metamind - Psionics Handbook, pp. 109-110
Metaminds focus on the accumulation of psionic power at the expense of learning new techniques

Mighty Contender of Kord - Dragon Magazine #283, pp. 46-47
Possessing tremendous physical strength, mighty contenders seek purity through physical perfection

Mindbender - Tome and Blood, pp. 63-64
A master of suggestion, beguiling and enthralling others through his powers of the mind

Mithril Knight - Mithril: City of the Golem, pp. 87-89
An elite Corean paladin, the knight wields a holy sword forged from a piece of the mithril Golem itself

Mountebank - Legions of Hell, pp. 52-54
Backstabbers and doublecrossers in Jalie\'s favor who have exchanged their souls for hellish powers

Mystic - Dragon Magazine #274, pp. 49-50
A singleminded student of magic, the mystic can enhance his spells in unique ways

Mystic Wanderer - Magic of Faerun, pp. 35-37
A divine spellcaster who seeks knowledge on her travels, expressing her faith through her independence

Nightcloak - Dragon Magazine #286, pp. 82-83
Master manipulators devoted to Shar who use the Shadow Weave to deadly effect

Ninja of the Crescent Moon - Sword and Fist, pp. 30-32
A master of infiltration and subterfuge, the ninja strikes with deadly force and retreats into darkness

Ordainer - Blood Reign of Nishanpur, p. 32
An ordainer can absorb, store and redirect spell energy, using it for a variety of purposes

Order of the Bow Initiate - Sword and Fist, pp. 32-33
Undisputed masters of the bow, initiates view archery as a way of life and the path to enlightenment

Pale Master - Tome and Blood, pp. 64-67
Surrounded by undead and garbed in their bones, a pale master can slay the living with her touch

Penumbral Lord - Relics and Rituals, pp. 15-17
A spellcaster who draws her power from shadows, taking their form and using them in her magic

Plaguelord - Legions of Hell, pp. 54-56
Demonic minions of Nergal, plaguelords spread disease and corruption in his name

Planar Champion - Manual of the Planes, pp. 28-30
Whatever his cause, the planar champion carries his battle across the planes themselves

Planeshifter - Manual of the Planes, pp. 30-32
A master of planar travel and scholar of planar lore, the planeshifter can ultimately create his own demiplane

Possessed - Demonology, pp. 11-12
By trading away pieces of his soul, the possessed can take on infernal traits and acquire demonic power

Psi-Hunter - Dragon Magazine #281, pp. 84-85
An arcane spellcaster who is adept at fighting (and defending against) psionic creatures

Purple Dragon Highknight - Dragon Magazine Annual #5, p. 62
A courtly knight with exceptional defensive abilities, the highknight is devoted to guarding Cormyr\'s nobles

Purple Dragon Knight - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pp. 49-50
Purple Dragon Knights are born leaders, rallying their troops and commanding them skillfully in battle

Pyrokineticist - Psionics Handbook, pp. 110-112
A psionicist who focuses on the use and mastery of fire in all of its forms

Radiant Servant of Pelor - Dragon Magazine #283, pp. 42-44
Exceptionally talented healers devoted to Pelor, radiant servants are also skilled at battling undead

Rage Mage - Dragon Magazine #277, pp. 98-99
A barbarian mage whose spellcasting abilities improve dramatically when she enters a frenzy

Ravager - Sword and Fist, pp. 33-34
Dedicated to slaughter, a ravager causes pain and induces terror wherever he travels

Red Avenger - Sword and Fist, pp. 34-35
Drawing on the power of his own body, a red avenger can channel that energy to perform remarkable feats

Red Wizard - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pp. 50-51
A Red Wizard achieves complete mastery of his chosen school of magic, far beyond that of a mere specialist

Roofrunner - Traps & Treachery, pp. 26-29
Perfectly attuned to his home city, the roofrunner uses his knowledge to become the ultimate urban rogue

Runecaster - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pp. 51-52
A spellcaster who inscribes runes and imbues them with magic, creating wards or empowering weapons

Sacred Exorcist - Defenders of the Faith, pp. 68-70
A holy spellcaster who specializes in driving out evil forces that seek to possess the innocent

Sacred Fist - Defenders of the Faith, pp. 70-72
A sacred fist fights without weapons and employs touch spells to devastating effect

Sea Witch - Relics and Rituals, pp. 18-19
Sharing a bond with his vessel, a sea witch is able to use his spells to great effect while plying the waves

Shadow Adept - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pp. 52-53
A true practitioner of Shadow Weave magic, the adept is a master of his craft

Shadowdancer - Dungeon Master\'s Guide, pp. 34-35
Quick and nimble, a shadowdancer can hide in plain sight and flit from shadow to shadow unseen

Shining Blade of Heironeous - Dragon Magazine #283, pp. 40-42
Holy knights who use their divinely-empowered blades to fight evil in the name of Heironeous

Shock Trooper - Dungeons, pp. 91-92
Trained to battle dangeous foes, a shock trooper\'s specialty is dealing massive damage in combat

Silent One - Living Greyhawk Journal #4
A sorcerer-bard who can identify and nullify magic items in his quest to prevent others from accessing them

Silverstar - Dragon Magazine #285, pp. 84-85
Seekers of harmony in Selune\'s service, silverstars use lunar magic and are often lycanthropes

Slayer - Psionics Handbook, pp. 112-113
Slayers devote their lives to wiping out mind flayers, and focus every aspect of their being on this task

Soulknife - Psionics Handbook, pp. 113-115
A soulknife can summon a blade of mental energy at will, giving form to his violent instincts

Spelldancer - Magic of Faerun, pp. 37-38
A spellcaster who enhances his spells through dancing, often resulting in more powerful magic

Spellfire Channeler - Magic of Faerun, pp. 38-40
Only a few of those born with the ability to wield spellfire become channelers, the true masters of their art

Spellsword - Tome and Blood, pp. 67-69
A martial spellcaster who can store and channel spells through her blade

Stonelord - Dragon Magazine #278, pp. 92-93
Dwarves who know the earth\'s deepest secrets and use its power to enhance their abilties

Summoner - Relics and Rituals, pp. 20-21
Having made a pact with a patron creature, a summoner\'s summoning abilities improve tremendously

Templar - Defenders of the Faith, pp. 72-74
A temple defender, skilled in battle and blessed by his deity

Totem - Touched by the Gods, pp. 68-70
A mystical guardian of the wild who has died and been reborn (often in the form of an animal)

Trapmaster - Traps & Treachery, pp. 29-31
Skilled at detecting, creating and avoiding traps, the trapmaster travels the world to practice her craft

Treasure Hunter - Dungeons, pp. 92-93
Treasure hunters research and track down lost relics, and are adept at avoiding traps

Tribal Protector - Sword and Fist, pp. 35-36
The greatest fighters in a humanoid tribe are the protectors, all of whom are disciplined and deadly warriors

True Necromancer - Tome and Blood, pp. 69-70
A master of the blackest art, surrounded by negative energy and able to drain life from his foes

Truth Seeker - Dragon Magazine #281, pp. 39-41
Elite psionic monks who seek out and destroy members of the Scarlet Brotherhood

Vetha - Living Greyhawk Journal #2
A Rhenee witch known for her wisdom and power to lay curses, the vetha also has spellcasting abilities

Vigilant - Relics and Rituals, pp. 22-23
Scouts and protectors of their realm, vigilants are tough, tireless and ferocious in battle

War Wizard of Cormyr - Magic of Faerun, pp. 40-41
Trained to use his magic in battle, a war wizard can cast spells that affect a much larger area than normal

Warmaster - Sword and Fist, pp. 37-38
A warmaster is a talented leader and master tactician, and possesses a tower or castle

Warpriest - Defenders of the Faith, pp. 74-75
The holy generals of their church, warpriests lead armies of divinely-inspired troops into battle

Wayfarer Guide - Tome and Blood, pp. 70-71
A member of the Wayfarer\'s Union, a guide\'s mastery of teleportation is complete

Weapon Master - Sword and Fist, pp. 38-39
One who has chosen to perfect the use of a single melee weapon becomes a weapon master

* Zerth Cenobite - Dragon Magazine #281, pp. 33-35
A monk who seeks perfection through mastery of time, altering its flow for her own benefit




Purple Dragon Highknight - Dragon Magazine Annual #5, p. 62
A courtly knight with exceptional defensive abilities, the highknight is devoted to guarding Cormyr\'s nobles


Purple Dragon Knight - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, pp. 49-50
Purple Dragon Knights are born leaders, rallying their troops and commanding them skillfully in battle


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 00:39 | 显示全部楼层



使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 01:20 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 01:43 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 偶不是DDM的马甲7号 发布


(不好意思,你刚好遇上专家级ADDfans了。。。) [/B]


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 01:47 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 01:47 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 偶不是DDM的马甲7号 发布
[B] [/B]


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 01:55 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 02:43 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 05:06 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 黑须 淳 发布

小D,你强! [/B]


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 11:51 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 11:53 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 focus 发布
[B]打头!小D也是你们叫的么?我先发明的!要交专利使用费得 [/B]


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 11:56 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 12:19 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 12:21 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 focus 发布
[B]打头!小D也是你们叫的么?我先发明的!要交专利使用费得 [/B]


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 12:52 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 偶不是DDM的马甲7号 发布


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 13:24 | 显示全部楼层



使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 14:14 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 14:22 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 18:18 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 雅格特 发布
[B]你要是想和我争论呢..我是没什么兴趣...去和辛苦把<龙枪>作为奇幻和ad&d的代表作引入的朱学恒大大争吧.............. [/B]

   龙枪传承 也是朱学恒译的吗? 因为看的时候觉得错误太多了点...    另外彩龙坊, 不是我抱怨, 要不是书商印错---感觉不太像, 不是错别字的原因, 那么他们翻的也太... 后面几部从夏焰之巨龙开始, 糟踏了书啊!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 18:42 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 偶不是DDM的马甲7号 发布


(另外,你非要要根据也可以:《黑暗》是“登上了纽约时报畅销书排行榜”,另外第二部《流亡》是得过文学奖的。。。。。龙枪多久有过这些评价?对吧???) [/B]

就国人评价的话,暗黑精灵三部曲 冰风谷我也看过的说,
                        龙枪编年史,龙枪传奇 传承,夏焰, 以及另一位作家的 3本 (名字忘了) 讲克莱恩众神离去之后人们与龙的抗争故事,也看了。
就我觉得的话, 编年史和传奇,特别是传奇并不比暗黑精灵和冰风谷差的。       魔戒吗,元老级的, 评价超高的书啊!
-----译林书序里说了,这本书很难翻的, 而且他们翻的也确实不怎么样,没一丁点奇幻文学的素养; 排版,装订更像地摊上卖的三流书刊...说的过头了,但实在失望的紧。

        再回到龙骑将一说, 具体规则我是没查, 但既然龙枪编年的第一部基本是按游戏历程编的, 书上是这么说的吧? 那么猛敏那的出现就是在第一集里吧?能不能说明当时的游戏小组的游戏里也出现了龙骑将呢?(在怎么说龙枪是垃圾也太过分了吧? 没文学性也不见得,至少我是学文的, 某些方面有没有文学性还是有看法的。就想说金庸, 说他的书是通俗小说,说缺少文学性我也没话说,但说它的书是垃圾,毫无文学性你同不同意?)

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 18:50 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 winterfall 发布


什么时候level e也做一个游戏,如果能表现出原作的精髓,那肯定是最棒的了! [/B]

没可能的事,level e和hunterXhunter这两部作品不适合改编游戏。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 18:52 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 安倍久 发布

比如正统的是龙和骑士是永远对立的敌人,而日本RPG居然出现了‘龙骑士’这种畸形东东-------我ft!!(sorry! 骂人了,对不起,骂回来也不打紧的)  



使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 18:59 | 显示全部楼层


最初由 oyj 发布

那么,为什么非正统不可呢? [/B]


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-5-23 19:02 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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